
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Vino Love - Orin Swift's Palermo, 2012

Good Evening, Kittens!  And Happy Tuesday?

I woke up this morning CONVINCED it was Friday.  Imagine the crushing blow when I realized that it was only Tuesday!!  Oh the injustice!

Today was actually a good day at work - busy, but not too crazy.  I may not have been as productive as I would have liked, but I got a lot done and the day flew by.  Regardless of how things turned out, at the end of the day, it was still Tuesday when I wanted it to be Friday.  What to do to boost morale?  A good glass of wine couldn't hurt.

A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to attend two Orin Swift tastings in two weeks.  (It was a good time to be me!)  If you're new to these parts or you haven't been paying much attention, I will reiterate that Orin Swift is one of my favorite labels.  And they have some of the best looking labels too!

The wine that I chose for this evening just happens to have one of the most amazing labels I've ever seen!  Dave Phinney (the genius behind Orin Swift) is, like me, a minimalist.  A minimalist with a love of the macabre.  Arguably the best example of that is Palermo's label.  The town of Palermo in Sicily is home to the Catacombe dei Cappuccini.  These burial catacombs are located under the Capuchin monastery.  When the monastery outgrew its cemetery, they began to excavate these crypts and interred the first friar, Silverstro of Gubbio, in 1599.  Originally intended only for the brothers of the monastery, being interred here became a symbol of status.

Whether part of the clergy or just someone with a little money to spend, the remains that have lain in these catacombs for centuries can be absolutely stunning.  And it was Vincent J. Musi's photograph for National Geographic that caught Dave Phinney's attention.  This incredible photograph of the remains of a Palermo priest is so beautiful that it could very well have been a painting.  The image resonated so deeply with Phinney that he chose to use it for a blend that he named Palermo.

photo credit
The wine in the bottles adorned with the image above is just as impressive as the label itself.  In true Orin Swift fashion, this wine is an amazing blend, in this instance it is Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Cabernet Franc.  The blend is 15.5% alcohol by volume, so it's a big fruit-forward wine.  A DELICIOUS fruit-forward wine!  With aromas of currant and coffee, the notes of berries and chocolate linger on the palate and make your taste buds incredibly grateful to be included as part of this experience.  No joke, every aspect of the experience is life affirming.  Having to deal with the doldrums of day-to-day responsibilities can wear you down, but this wine will pick you right back up!  It's a respite in a glass!  And, from personal experience, will make the best out of a Tuesday that truly should have been a Friday!

Salud, Kittens!

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