
Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Fabulous Weekend Houseguest

Hello Kittens!

Last Friday, I was talking to my friend Kim who lives in the Bay Area.  She asked me what I was doing over the weekend and I told her that since it was a mutual friend's birthday, that she should come down.  Not that my invitation wasn't sincere,but I didn't expect her to say that she was going to throw her things into her car in the morning and drive down!  But that's exactly what happened!

I have known Kim for about 10 years, I'm not exactly sure how long because it feels like Kim has always been in my life.  Originally from the Bay Area, she went to UCLA and stayed a few years after graduating before heading back to San Francisco for law school (she's kinda smart).  I met Kim when she started at my company and after a slightly rocky start (I'm not the easiest person to befriend), we became friends and were pretty much inseperable.  Here we are in 2007.

To say that Kim is special to me is a ridiculous understatement.  Everyone needs someone that they do not have to try with, someone that just gets them.  I'm fortunate to have a number of those people in my life and Kim is definitely one of them!  When Kim and I get together, good things happen - good wine, good food, and some good laziness.  In my day-to-day life, things are incredibly hectic and I value the times that I can just unplug with Kim and enjoy the things that really matter with such a fabulous lady!

As I was having Brunch with Stephanie and her new little lady on Saturday afternoon, I was on my way home when Kim arrived, so while she waited for me, she hit the grocery store and graciously stocked the fridge for our weekend!  We had a little down time and then started getting ready to go out for Brianne's birthday.  Not that Kim's visit wasn't already fun enough, but aside from me, no one knew she was coming, which made her the best gift I could have given to Brianne for her birthday!!  We got all dolled up, hailed a cab, and headed into Hollywood to Sadie Kitchen and Lounge.  This is a FABULOUS place that I think we need to visit more often.  In the heart of Hollywood, this venue used to house Les Deux, the stereotypical Hollywood celebrity haunt that TMZ loved to hang out in front of since they always got great shots of celebrities running people over in the cars, crotch shots, and other such nonsense.  Considering it's location and history, Sadie is surprisingly mellow and since it's not a club, it was not a shitshow - a rare feat for Saturday night in this town.  It was mellow and beautiful and the drinks were fantastic!  LOVE LOVE LOVE this place!!  And it was chalked full of fabulous people.  Really, could anyone ask for anything more?

photo credit

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That's a nice clear establishing shot.  I had NOTHING that would work to show you how beautiful this place was, so I had to steal one.  Most of my shots were blurry because fun can rarely be stopped for the sake of a clear photo!

Happy Birthday Darlin'!  I just stole some of your photos!
After a fabulous night, Kim and I had our fabulous signature breakfast!  Kim's talent with breakfast cuisine is the main reason I have remained friends with her.

Please excuse the mess in the background.  This limited edition bottle of Mumm was spectacular!!  Kimmie always comes for a visit with a special bottle of something in hand!  Great houseguest, no?
The rest of the weekend was filled with great conversation, more wine, and a wonderful dinner with some of the ladies on Monday night!

Kim is getting quite the reputation for bringing with her great little finds as thank you presents for staying with me.  She brought this little note pad for me a few visits back.

And this time, I received a fun little tea towel!

I wasn't quite sure how I was going to return the favor, but luckily Kim found something on her own.  While she was taking out the trash for me (yes, she's a fabulous houseguest!), she found this book in the hallway.  BEST.  FIND.  EVER!!!

On Tuesday morning, Kimmie headed home, and while I was COMPLETELY unproductive during her visit (I had reading and blogging and work to do), I would not have changed the weekend for anything.  Here's hoping each of you have special friends like Kim in your life to bring back into focus what is important.

And now to play some catch up - in case you haven't yet figured it out, I will probably NEVER be caught up.  But I'm trying to adopt a more c'est la vie attitude about the whole thing, because, truly, enjoying the little things in life is more important than any deadline you find looming.  Somehow it will all get done.  I just have to keep reminding myself of that.

Wishing you a fabulous weekend, Kittens, productive or not!

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