
Monday, June 24, 2013

Eating Clean - Super Fancy Oatmeal

Hello Kittens!

I haven't posted anything food related in a while and truthfully, that's because I fell off the clean eating wagon...  On top of having to put on a bathing suit a few weekends ago, I came across a photo on Saturday from about 5 years ago in which I look to be about half the size I am now.  Well, that means it's time to get back to business!

And by 'business', I mean cutting out all the crap that I've been eating, so this morning kicked off my food detox!  I have done this many times before and, while I'm not juicing or fasting, I'm going to adhere to the following guidelines - no white sugar, no white flour, no (or minimal) dairy, no (or minimal) caffeine, and lastly no alcohol.  I've decided to cut these things out Monday through Friday and allow myself a minimal amount of wine on the weekends for the foreseeable future.  Truthfully, I completely overdid things last night during the Mad Men finale and since I felt like crap for most of the day today, I was even more resolute in making these changes.

When I'm on track, I start my morning with a mug of hot water with lemon juice (which helps with cutting out the coffee).  Once I get to work, I have oatmeal.  Not just any oatmeal, but my super fancy oatmeal!  If you think oatmeal is boring, you've never had mine.  When I was trying to figure out what to call this, I was considering the name Hooker Oatmeal, as I get propositioned daily for it.  A co-worker of mine tells me that if I wanted to spend my mornings in the company kitchen simply making mug after mug of this oatmeal, I would make a considerable amount of money.  She's probably right.  It looks great, it smells great, and it's super yummy!

There is a lot of information out there about 'superfoods' - the lists vary slightly, but usually contain 12 or so foods.  This mugful of oatmeal contains 3 that appear on every list I've ever seen - oatmeal, nut butter, and berries.  So, let's get to it.

-1/2 cup of uncooked old fashioned oats
-1 tablespoon organic ground flaxseed
-1 teaspoon cinnamon
-1 tablespoon organic agave nectar (for sweetness)
-1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
-1 small banana
-4 or 5 organic strawberries
-handful of organic blueberries

1. Place the oats, flaxseed, and cinnamon into a microwave safe mug or bowl.  I found these cappuccino mugs and they are PERFECT!!

2. Add approximately a cup of water and microwave for one minute.  Stir and microwave for another 30 seconds or until you are comfortable with the consistency.  It's a good idea to leave it slightly runny since it will thicken up as it sits.

3. Remove from microwave and add agave nectar and peanut butter.

4. Mix well.

5. Slice the banana and the strawberries and add them along with the blueberries to the oatmeal.

6. Enjoy!

NOTE:  You will want to use a bowl that is larger than you think you actually need.  With all the fruit at the top, it becomes quite problematic to eat if you do not have enough room to actually maneuver.  Also, the measurements of the add-ins can all be adjusted to taste.  I also like playing around with the fruit.  My two favorite alternatives are nectarines and pears.  Both are delicious on their own or paired with blueberries!

If you are not familiar with flaxseed, it has a nutty flavor and is incredibly good for you.  Don't take my word for it?  See for yourself.

If you go out to buy some, just remember that you want the ground variety as the only way for your body to absorb its nutrients is for it to be ground.  Whole flaxseeds will move through your system without much effect aside from, do I put this delicately?  Ummm...yes...that!

I prep my individual packets as part of my Sunday night routine for the entire week to keep things simple.

Here's to a week filled with healthy, delicious breakfasts!

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