
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Let's Bring Back

Good Morning Kittens!

'When was the last time you wore a cape to the opera? Or white gloves to lunch? Why did we ever do away with bed curtains or cuckoo clocks? Whatever happened to parlor games, calling cards, double features, duels, monocles, riddles, turbans and parasols? Well, let's bring them back!'

Since starting The Vintage Project, I have been on a book-buying frenzy!  In addition to finding books for the monthly book club selections, I'm finding so much supplemental reading material that looks fantastic!  I learned about this particular book from a friend of mine and Let's Bring Back looks PERFECT for The Vintage Project!  Lesley M. M. Blume is an author, journalist, and cultural observer based in New York City.  She has written many things, but her Huffington Post column of the same name inspired this little encyclopedia of fabulosity!  Blume has also penned a Let's Bring Back cocktail edition and a language edition which should also be fun to read...but let's just start with this one, shall we?

Pick up your copy here

As soon as I received this little treasure, I quickly flipped through it and I'm very much looking forward to sitting down with it and a nice cup of coffee on Saturday mornings!  I have no doubt this will inspire some truly fabulous blog material!  Until then, here is a little teaser of things that we should bring back...

Hats on men and manners!

Until I report back Kittens!

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