
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Friday Night Spontaneity

Good Evening Kittens!

Last night I had just settled onto my couch to put a serious dent into Oil! as I'm determined to finally finish this book over the weekend.  I LOVE a good relaxing Friday night at home - many times I find that it's exactly what I need after a long, stressful week at work.  Yesterday was a particularly terrible day which started off with an 8 AM meeting (WHO plans a meeting this early?  ESPECIALLY on a Friday!) and ended with a  fight rather unpleasant discussion with a co-worker.  So, I came home, threw on a pair of lounge pants, had some dinner, and popped open a bottle of wine.  I was just curling up with the book and the cat, when a friend of mine, Suzanne, texted me saying that she was at one of our favorite spots with her boyfriend and had just run into another friend of ours, Jason.  There is a small group of about 6 of us that have spent many great nights at The Alibi Room, so Suzanne contacted another member of our super-exclusive group, Hugo, and convinced him to head on over (for the record, I'm positive this was not difficult) and then randomly ran into another co-worker of ours.  The Alibi was the place to be last night!!  And when the stars align like this, you have no choice but to put the book down, gently move the cat off your lap, throw a skirt and a head scarf on, touch up your makeup, and head out the door!  Them's the rules!

Group shot courtesy of Suzanne's IPhone
Russian Elderflower, Spiced Daisy, and Kentucky Mule

It was as fantastic night with good people and good drinks, one which I am very happy to have participated in, but that type of spontaneity will not be happening again tonight.  Tonight, I finish the wine and the book!

Whatever you end up doing tonight Kittens, be sure to make it fabulous!

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