
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Who's Excited About Bates Motel??

Me for starters!!

Whatever you may think of Hitchcock, whether you love his work or hate it, whether you think he was a creepy old man who took advantage of his position as a director or was slandered in the two movies about him that came out recently, it's pretty hard to deny his genius.  Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock (PS - what a fabulous name!) was an innovator in the psychological thriller genre and is often referred to as 'The Master of Suspense'.  But this post is not about Hitchcock himself...though I can guarantee there will be many of those in this blog's future.  No, Lovelies, THIS post is about the new A&E series premiering next Monday, March 18 on A&E.  I really haven't heard much about it, but the second I got wind of it, I became insanely excited!  I LOVE Hitchcock and love how much there is to explore about the character of Norman Bates and his relationship with his mother.

This new series will try again - there was another Psycho related TV series in 1987 that never got off the ground.  The plot of that series sounded awful (a young man who had been institutionalized with Norman inherits the Bates Motel?  Really?) and I'm glad they are going the prequel route with this one.  It will undoubtedly be fun to watch!  Speaking of watching...the A&E trailer is below.  That's about all I can bring myself to watch.

If, unlike me, you don't mind a spoiler, you can watch the first 6 minutes of the pilot here, on the A&E site (totally legit).

Are you as excited as I am for the premiere of this show?!?!?


  1. Personally speaking, Hitchcock was such a creep and not a lovable creep like David Lynch. BUT he did make some good flicks.

    I'm also excited for the series but I think I read somewhere that it takes place in a "contemporary setting in the styling of the original psycho." I hope that's not the would be lame to see someone whip out a cell phone.

    1. You heard right, this is set in a contemporary setting, but everything I've seen is trippy because it LOOKS like Psycho. Because the Bates Motel is in the middle of nowhere, I think it will still have an older feel...and personally, as long as they are telling a great story, I'm not going to mind the cell phones.
