
Saturday, January 5, 2013

This Charming Dame Lesson 1 - Get Your Passport

Get Your Passport.

Seems simple enough, right?  Well, if you are one of the 55% of Americans that don't have a passport, I will tell you that getting one can be a HUGE pain!  Especially if you are like me and procrastinate to the point that you may miss your vacation because you simply haven't gotten around to actually renewing or getting one.  So I suggest you start the process now. Even if you don't have a trip planned.  ESPECIALLY if you don't have a trip planned.  If you don't have one, or if yours is expired, you should remedy that situation - and quickly!  Being able to travel on minimal notice can open you up to opportunities that are sure to be fabulous!  Although it did not require this passport, the best trip I've ever been on was a trip to New York for which I had two days' notice.  The lesson with the passport is this: with it, you will be ready for anything!

And now, I present to you...a photo of my passport to prove that I have one!

Also, I assure you that while the timing of this was a perfect tie-in to this post, the following truly did happen.  A few days ago, I was trying to figure out how to augment the subject of the passport I already had, and out of the blue, a friend of mine asked, in all seriousness, if I'd be interested in going to Paris with him in the spring.  I have never been to Paris.  I have always wanted to go to Paris.  I have had French swirling around in my head since watching 'Coco Before Chanel'.  And I'm pretty sure that even though I only took French in high school, I could pick up a decent amount of conversational French within a few days of being immersed in it.  And I don't have the funds to go to Paris.  Le sigh.  So, I have stumbled across yet ANOTHER resolution for this year - save up for a fancy trip to Paris next spring!

While you enjoy the musical stylings of the iconic Edith Piaf (her voice embodies vintage Paris and has the power to transport you there), let me present to you the vintage version of Paris that I carry around with me.  While, yes, many things are undoubtedly different, I feel like Paris is one of those cities that still embraces going glam for no particular reason.  For having coffee at a small sidewalk café in what, anywhere else, would be considered an obnoxious hat.  For leisurely strolls in couture.  For champagne at every occasion.  

To me, all things French are synonymous with l'amour.  And I'd be in favor of finding love in Paris, because really, what would be more romantique?  Strolling hand in hand along the Seine, stealing kisses atop the Eiffel Tower, or on a bridge, or in front of a book store.  I get the impression that Paris is a city that has love in its DNA (if a city had actual DNA).  It's part of the culture.  Being in love with a city, with life, with love itself must be a wonderfully magical thing to experience...and come next Spring, I hope to experience those things firsthand.

Bonne journée chatons!

To see my inspiration for the 'This Charming Dame' series, please visit Quite Continental Charm School.

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