
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February Book Club Selection

Hello Lovelies!

Show of hands, who has missed The Vintage Project Book Club?  My hand is definitely raised.  And I'm waiving an enthusiastic hello to all of you!!

An integral part of the whole-getting-back-on-track thing that I'm doing starting right now is getting back to our much neglected Book Club.  I have a few over-due Book Club Meeting posts that I will soon be sharing, but in the meantime, let's see if we still squeeze a pretty lengthy novel in for February, shall we?

February's selection is courtesy of Bridget.  In the theme of all things February, she went with our first romance, A Room With A View by E.M. Forster.

This comes from Modern Library's list of 100 best English-language novels of the 20th Century (one of the three lists that I used to compile my list of potential Book Club reads).  It ranked 79th.  Not too shabby.  While I know absolutely nothing about this novel, I'm game to dive into it.  How about you?

I'm picking up my copy in the next few days and plan on making a good dent into this novel this weekend.  If you haven't curled up with a good book in a while, you might want to give our February selection a try.

Happy Reading, Lovelies, it's good to be back!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

It Wasn't You, It Was Me

Oh Kittens, it's so fabulous to see you again!

While we've been on a little break, I assure you, it wasn't you, it was all me!

If you've dropped by often enough, you may have noticed that I tend to put in an obscene amount of time at work.  After many conversations, meetings, spreadsheets full of stats, flowcharts, and breakdowns in private, I'm FINALLY getting some relief!  They have split my current responsibilities in two (which will create two manageable workloads) and it's garnered me a promotion!  Good news on all fronts!

Unfortunately, before things officially get better, they tend to get worse.  And worse means essentially living at work.  There's a lot of cleanup, documenting of processes, and training...all while still trying to keep up with the new stuff.  So, for the last two weeks, my life has consisted of little aside from work.

photo credit

You have my word that things will get better, and we'll be spending more quality time together very soon.  I have so much planned and it's going to be pretty fabulous!

Now to get some work done - thankfully from my couch today.

See you soon, Kittens!